Conquering the “Type '{ src: string; }' is not assignable to type 'ReactNode'” Error: A Step-by-Step Guide to Building a Fallback Image Script in TS
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Conquering the “Type '{ src: string; }' is not assignable to type 'ReactNode'” Error: A Step-by-Step Guide to Building a Fallback Image Script in TS

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If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve encountered the infamous “Type '{ src: string; }' is not assignable to type 'ReactNode'” error while building a fallback image script in TypeScript (TS). Don’t worry, you’re not alone! This error can be frustrating, but fear not, for we’re about to embark on a journey to vanquish it once and for all.

What’s causing the error?

The error occurs when TypeScript is unable to infer the type of the value being assigned to a React component. In the context of building a fallback image script, this usually happens when you try to assign an object with a `src` property to a component that expects a `ReactNode` type.

interface ImageProps {
  src: string;

const FallbackImage: React.FC<ImageProps> = ({ src }) => {
  return <img src={src} alt="fallback image" />;

const fallbackImage: ReactNode = { src: 'fallback-image-url' }; // Type '{ src: string; }' is not assignable to type 'ReactNode'.

const App = () => {
  return <div>

Why is `ReactNode` expecting a specific type?

React’s `ReactNode` type represents a value that can be rendered by React, such as an element, a string, a number, or a boolean. When you define a component, React expects the `children` prop to be of type `ReactNode`. However, when you try to assign an object with a `src` property to a component that expects a `ReactNode`, TypeScript throws the error because the object type doesn’t match the expected `ReactNode` type.

Solutions to the Error

Now that we understand the cause of the error, let’s explore some solutions to overcome it.

Solution 1: Use the `ReactNode` type correctly

One way to resolve the error is to use the `ReactNode` type correctly. Since `ReactNode` represents a value that can be rendered by React, you can wrap the object with a `src` property in a `div` element or any other valid HTML element.

const fallbackImage: ReactNode = <div><img src="fallback-image-url" alt="fallback image" /></div>;

By doing this, you’re telling TypeScript that the `fallbackImage` variable is a valid `ReactNode` that can be rendered by React.

Solution 2: Use a union type

Another approach is to use a union type to specify that the `fallbackImage` variable can be either a string (the URL of the fallback image) or a `ReactNode` (the actual fallback image element).

type FallbackImageType = string | ReactNode;

const fallbackImage: FallbackImageType = 'fallback-image-url';

// or

const fallbackImage: FallbackImageType = <img src="fallback-image-url" alt="fallback image" />;

const App = () => {
  return <div>

By using a union type, you’re telling TypeScript that the `fallbackImage` variable can be either a string or a `ReactNode`, which resolves the type mismatch error.

Solution 3: Create a custom type for the fallback image

A more elegant solution is to create a custom type for the fallback image. This approach allows you to explicitly define the structure of the fallback image object.

interface FallbackImage {
  src: string;
  alt: string;

const fallbackImage: FallbackImage = {
  src: 'fallback-image-url',
  alt: 'fallback image',

const FallbackImageComponent: React.FC<FallbackImage> = ({ src, alt }) => {
  return <img src={src} alt={alt} />;

const App = () => {
  return <div>

By creating a custom type for the fallback image, you can ensure that the object conforms to the expected structure, and TypeScript will be happy to assign it to the `fallbackImage` variable.

Best Practices for Building a Fallback Image Script in TS

Now that we’ve resolved the error, let’s discuss some best practices for building a fallback image script in TypeScript.

Use explicit type definitions

Always define explicit types for your variables and function components. This helps TypeScript infer the correct types and prevents type-related errors.

Keep your type definitions consistent

Stay consistent with your type definitions throughout your codebase. If you define a custom type for the fallback image, use it consistently throughout your code.

Use union types when necessary

Union types can be useful when you need to specify that a variable can be one of multiple types. However, use them judiciously, as they can make your code more complex and harder to maintain.

Test your code thoroughly

Testing your code is crucial to ensure that it works as expected. Write unit tests and integration tests to verify that your fallback image script functions correctly.


In this article, we’ve conquered the “Type '{ src: string; }' is not assignable to type 'ReactNode'” error and explored three solutions to resolve it. We’ve also discussed best practices for building a fallback image script in TypeScript. By following these guidelines, you can write more robust, maintainable, and type-safe code.

Solution Description
Solution 1: Use the `ReactNode` type correctly Wrap the object with a `src` property in a `div` element or any other valid HTML element.
Solution 2: Use a union type Specify that the `fallbackImage` variable can be either a string or a `ReactNode`.
Solution 3: Create a custom type for the fallback image Define a custom type for the fallback image object, ensuring it conforms to the expected structure.

Remember, TypeScript is a powerful tool that helps you write better code. By understanding the type system and using it correctly, you can build more robust and maintainable applications.

Additional Resources

We hope this guide has been helpful in resolving the “Type '{ src: string; }' is not assignable to type 'ReactNode'” error and has provided valuable insights into building a fallback image script in TypeScript. Happy coding!

Here are 5 questions and answers about “Type `{ src: string; }` is not assignable to type `ReactNode`” when building a fallback image script in TS:

Frequently Asked Questions

Encountering issues with type `{ src: string; }` not being assignable to type `ReactNode` when building a fallback image script in TypeScript? We’ve got you covered!

Q1: What is the error “Type `{ src: string; }` is not assignable to type `ReactNode`” about?

This error occurs when TypeScript is complaining that the type `{ src: string; }`, which represents an object with a single property `src` of type `string`, is not compatible with the type `ReactNode`, which is a type that represents a React element or a string.

Q2: Why does this error happen when building a fallback image script?

This error happens because when building a fallback image script, you might be trying to return an object with a `src` property, which is not a valid React element. React expects a `ReactNode` as a return value, but you’re providing an object that doesn’t conform to that type.

Q3: How can I fix this error?

You can fix this error by ensuring that your fallback image script returns a valid `ReactNode`. For example, you can return an `img` element with a `src` attribute, or a string that represents the fallback image URL.

Q4: What is the difference between `ReactNode` and `{ src: string; }`?

`ReactNode` is a type that represents a React element, such as an `img` element, a `div` element, or a string. `{ src: string; }` is a type that represents an object with a single property `src` of type `string`. While they might seem similar, they are not interchangeable, and TypeScript is enforcing this distinction.

Q5: Is there a way to avoid this error in the future?

Yes, you can avoid this error by being mindful of the types you’re working with. Make sure to check the type definitions for the components and APIs you’re using, and ensure that you’re returning the correct type. In this case, double-check that your fallback image script returns a valid `ReactNode`.