Unlocking the Power of Gradle Properties in Spring Boot: A Comprehensive Guide to Creating a Custom Banner
Image by Celindo - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Power of Gradle Properties in Spring Boot: A Comprehensive Guide to Creating a Custom Banner

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When it comes to building robust and scalable Spring Boot applications, understanding the intricacies of Gradle properties is crucial. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of Gradle properties and explore how to harness their power to create a custom Spring Boot banner that reflects your application’s personality. Buckle up, and let’s get started!

What are Gradle Properties?

Gradle properties are a set of key-value pairs that allow you to externalize configuration settings for your project. They provide a flexible way to manage environment-specific settings, such as database connections, API keys, and logging configurations. By leveraging Gradle properties, you can decouple your application’s configuration from its code, making it easier to maintain and deploy.

Types of Gradle Properties

Gradle properties can be categorized into three types:

  • System properties: These are properties defined at the system level, often through environment variables or command-line arguments.
  • Project properties: These are properties defined within the project’s build script (build.gradle or build.gradle.kts).
  • External properties: These are properties loaded from external files or resources, such as property files or environment variables.

How to Define Gradle Properties in Spring Boot

To define Gradle properties in a Spring Boot project, you can use the following approaches:

Using the `gradle.properties` File

Create a `gradle.properties` file in the root of your project, and add your properties in the following format:


For example:


Using the `build.gradle` File

You can also define properties directly in the `build.gradle` file using the `ext` block:

ext {
    spring {
        banner {
            image = '/path/to/banner/image'

Creating a Custom Spring Boot Banner using Gradle Properties

Now that we’ve covered the basics of Gradle properties, let’s create a custom Spring Boot banner that showcases the power of externalized configuration. We’ll use a combination of Gradle properties and Spring Boot’s built-in banner functionality to create a unique banner that reflects our application’s personality.

Step 1: Define the Banner Image Property

In your `gradle.properties` file, add the following property:


Step 2: Create a Custom Banner Class

Create a new Java class that will serve as the custom banner generator:

package com.example.spring.boot.banner;

import org.springframework.boot.Banner;
import org.springframework.boot.context.properties.ConfigurationProperties;
import org.springframework.boot.context.properties.EnableConfigurationProperties;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;

public class CustomBanner implements Banner {

    public void printBanner(Environment environment, Class<?> sourceClass, PrintStream printStream) {
        BannerProperties properties = environment.getBean(BannerProperties.class);
        String bannerImage = properties.getImage();
        printStream.println("_______       _______ __        ______      _______ _______ _______ _______ ");
        printStream.println("\\      \\     /       _|\\      /  ____/    /       \\|   ____|       |       \\");
        printStream.println("  \\      \\   /   |   | | \\    | (___     |   |   |   |   | |   |   | |");
        printStream.println("   \\      \\_/    |   | |  \\   \\___  \\    |   |   |   |   | |   |   | |");
        printStream.println("    \\______\\/     |___| |   \\______|    \\_____/   |___|   |___|   |___|");
        printStream.println("        \\   \\      " + bannerImage + " \\   /");
        printStream.println("          \\  \\     /       /        \\    /       \\");
        printStream.println("           \\  \\   /       /          \\  /         \\");

Step 3: Configure the Custom Banner

In your `application.properties` file, add the following configuration:


Then, create a new `banner.properties` file with the following content:


Step 4: Enable the Custom Banner

In your Spring Boot application configuration class, add the following annotation:

public class MySpringBootApplication {

    public BannerCustomizer bannerCustomizer() {
        return new BannerCustomizer(CustomBanner.class);


Voilà! You’ve successfully created a custom Spring Boot banner using Gradle properties. By externalizing the banner image property, you’ve decoupled your application’s configuration from its code, making it easier to maintain and deploy.

Remember, Gradle properties are a powerful tool for managing environment-specific settings in your Spring Boot application. By leveraging them, you can create a more flexible, scalable, and maintainable application that’s ready to take on the world!

Appendix: Common Pitfalls and Troubleshooting

When working with Gradle properties and custom banners, you might encounter some common pitfalls. Here are a few troubleshooting tips to keep in mind:

  1. Property not found**: Make sure you’ve defined the property in the correct location (e.g., `gradle.properties` file or `build.gradle` file) and that the syntax is correct.
  2. Banner not displaying**: Verify that the `spring.banner.mode` property is set to `off` in your `application.properties` file, and that the custom banner class is correctly configured.
  3. Image not loading**: Check that the image path is correct and that the file is accessible by the application. You can also try using an absolute path or a URL.
Property Description Default Value
spring.banner.image Banner image path None
spring.banner.mode Banner mode (on/off) on

By following this comprehensive guide, you’ve mastered the art of using Gradle properties to create a custom Spring Boot banner. Remember to keep your properties organized, and your application will thank you!

Happy coding, and don’t forget to show off your creative banner creations!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to level up your Spring banner game with these Gradle properties FAQs!

What is the purpose of Gradle properties in a Spring banner?

Gradle properties in a Spring banner allow you to customize the information displayed in the banner, such as the application name, version, and build timestamp. This is super useful for identifying the application and its version when it’s running in a production environment.

How do I configure Gradle properties in a Spring banner?

Easy peasy! You can configure Gradle properties in a Spring banner by adding properties to the `build.gradle` file. For example, you can add `spring.banner.name` and `spring.banner.version` properties to set the application name and version, respectively.

Can I use Gradle properties to customize the Spring banner’s appearance?

Absolutely! You can use Gradle properties to customize the Spring banner’s appearance by setting properties like `spring.banner.charset` for the character set, `spring.banner.background` for the background color, and `spring.banner.foreground` for the foreground color.

Where are Gradle properties stored in a Spring project?

Gradle properties are stored in the `build.gradle` file, which is the build script for your Spring project. This file contains all the configurations and dependencies for your project.

Can I use Gradle properties in a Spring Boot project?

Yes! Spring Boot projects also use Gradle properties to customize the Spring banner. You can add properties to the `build.gradle` file or use the `application.properties` file to configure the banner.