Lazy Loading Images on AMP Blog Using amp-script: A Step-by-Step Guide
Image by Celindo -

Lazy Loading Images on AMP Blog Using amp-script: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of dealing with slow-loading images on your AMP blog? Do you want to improve page performance and reduce bandwidth consumption? Image lazy loading is the solution you’ve been searching for! In this article, we’ll explore how to use image lazy loading on your AMP blog using amp-script, and troubleshoot common issues that might arise.

What is Image Lazy Loading?

Image lazy loading is a technique that defers the loading of images until they come into view. This approach reduces the initial page load time, as the browser doesn’t need to download all images at once. Instead, it loads them only when the user scrolls to the section containing the image. This results in faster page loading, improved user experience, and reduced bandwidth consumption.

Why Use amp-script for Image Lazy Loading on AMP Blog?

AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) is a framework developed by Google to speed up mobile web pages. When it comes to image lazy loading on an AMP blog, amp-script is the recommended approach. amp-script is a custom AMP component that allows you to add custom JavaScript to your AMP pages. By using amp-script, you can implement image lazy loading without compromising the AMP validation.

Benefits of Using amp-script for Image Lazy Loading

  • Improves page performance by reducing initial page load time
  • Reduces bandwidth consumption by loading images only when needed
  • Enhances user experience by providing a faster and more responsive page
  • Compatible with AMP validation, ensuring your page remains valid and loads quickly

Implementing Image Lazy Loading on AMP Blog Using amp-script

Now that we’ve covered the benefits of using amp-script for image lazy loading, let’s dive into the implementation process. Follow these steps to get started:

Step 1: Add the amp-script Component

<script async src=""></script>

Add the above script tag to the head section of your AMP page. This will include the amp-script component.

Step 2: Define the amp-script Tag

<amp-script width="100" height="100" src="">

Add the amp-script tag to the body section of your AMP page. Replace `` with the URL of your custom JavaScript file.

Step 3: Write the Custom JavaScript Code

const lazyImages = document.querySelectorAll('.lazy');
lazyImages.forEach((img) => {
  const observer = new IntersectionObserver((entries) => {
    if (entries[0].isIntersecting) {
      const lazyImage = entries[0].target;
      lazyImage.src = lazyImage.dataset.src;
  }, { threshold: 1.0 });

In your custom JavaScript file, add the above code to handle image lazy loading. This code selects all images with the `lazy` class, and uses the IntersectionObserver API to load the images when they come into view.

Step 4: Add the lazy Class to Your Images

<img class="lazy" data-src="" />

Add the `lazy` class to your image tags, and replace `` with the URL of your image.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Issue 1: Images Not Loading

If your images are not loading, ensure that you’ve added the `lazy` class to your image tags and replaced the `data-src` attribute with the correct image URL.

Issue 2: AMP Validation Errors

If you’re experiencing AMP validation errors, make sure you’ve added the amp-script component correctly and that your custom JavaScript file is served over HTTPS.

Issue 3: Images Loading Too Early

If your images are loading too early, adjust the `threshold` value in the IntersectionObserver API to a lower value (e.g., `0.5`). This will load the images when they’re closer to the viewport.

Optimizing Image Lazy Loading for Better Performance

To further optimize image lazy loading, consider the following tips:

  1. Use a CDN for your images: Serve your images from a content delivery network (CDN) to reduce latency and improve page load times.
  2. Optimize image file sizes: Compress your images using tools like TinyPNG or ImageOptim to reduce file sizes and improve page load times.
  3. Use lazy loading for other media: Apply lazy loading to other media elements, such as videos or iframes, to further improve page performance.
  4. Monitor performance metrics: Keep an eye on performance metrics, such as page load times and bandwidth consumption, to ensure that your image lazy loading implementation is effective.
Optimization Technique Description
CDN for images Reduces latency and improves page load times
Image compression Reduces file sizes and improves page load times
Lazy loading for other media Further improves page performance by deferring media loading
Performance monitoring Helps identify areas for improvement and ensures optimization effectiveness


Image lazy loading is a powerful technique for improving page performance on your AMP blog. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can implement image lazy loading using amp-script and troubleshoot common issues that may arise. Remember to optimize your image lazy loading implementation by using a CDN for your images, compressing image file sizes, and monitoring performance metrics. With these tips, you’ll be well on your way to providing a faster and more responsive user experience for your readers.

Still having trouble implementing image lazy loading on your AMP blog? Share your experiences and challenges in the comments below, and we’ll be happy to help you troubleshoot any issues.

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “how to use image lazyload on AMP blog using amp-script”:

Frequently Asked Question

Having trouble getting image lazyload to work on your AMP blog using amp-script? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Question 1: Is amp-script necessary for lazy loading images in AMP?

Yes, amp-script is required to implement lazy loading for images in AMP. This is because amp-script allows you to add custom JavaScript to your AMP pages, which is necessary for lazy loading to work.

Question 2: How do I properly implement lazy loading using amp-script?

To implement lazy loading, you need to add the amp-script tag to your AMP page, and then write a JavaScript function that lazy loads the images. You can use a library like lazysizes to make it easier. Make sure to add the `lazy` attribute to your `img` tags and set the `src` attribute to a placeholder image.

Question 3: What could be causing my images to not appear even though my AMP is valid?

There could be several reasons why your images are not appearing. Check that your JavaScript function is being called correctly and that the images are being loaded lazily. Also, make sure that your placeholder image is valid and can be loaded correctly. Check the AMP validator and browser console for any errors.

Question 4: Can I use lazy loading for all types of images in AMP?

Yes, you can use lazy loading for most types of images in AMP, including JPEG, PNG, GIF, and WebP. However, note that AMP has specific rules for certain types of images, such as svg, so make sure to check the AMP documentation for any restrictions.

Question 5: Are there any performance considerations I should keep in mind when using lazy loading in AMP?

Yes, lazy loading can impact page performance, especially if not implemented correctly. Make sure to optimize your images and use a caching mechanism to reduce the number of requests to your server. Also, consider using a library like lazysizes to optimize lazy loading performance.

I hope these questions and answers help! Let me know if you have any further questions.